Happy Hour With Moorooroo | Sourdough


A quick google of the term ‘sourdough’ will bring up hundreds of sites with beautiful pictures and recipes ranging from the most basic to very advanced. You may also discover that sourdough is undoubtedly the very first form of bread leavening and that it’s been in use as far back as ancient Egypt!

Our history with sourdough is more recent than that, but Wyndham has been working with fermentation since the ’80s. Sourdough bread is among one of his many specialities. Perhaps you’ve even tried one of his delicious loaves at our cellar door.

Sourdough has seen a massive resurgence for home bakers this year as many people have found themselves with more time at home to perfect the ancient technique of sourdough fermentation. 

So if you want to level up your sourdough game here are Wyndham’s top 3 tips for perfect sourdough bread.

  • Maintain a vibrant and active mother.
  • Practice long (24 hours) dough rises for maximum flavour and optimum crumb.
  • Use organic flour and high-quality sea salt.
  • Bonus tip: try a black sesame seed topping for extra flavour and wow factor! 

It’s hard to argue that sourdough is some of the very best tasting bread around. We’ve always got a fresh loaf of sourdough in the cellar door. Why? Well, bread is a great way to reset your palate during a wine tasting, it’s actually much more effective than water! That’s why we always provide some sourdough along with a tasting. It’s more than just a delicious snack!

In Bottle

It’s raining today in the Barossa Valley and we’ve lit the fire, this perfect combination has us craving The Hundred of Moorooroo Limited Edition Fortified. This golden caramel elixirs molasses and honey, chocolate and almonds, cedar and raisins velvety blend is the perfect distraction.

We can’t say it enough, thank you so much for your ongoing support!

Stay safe.